joi, 6 martie 2008

"Das Uber Essay"

Nu de alta, dar ca sa sufar un pic voi posta un eseu...eseul de la engleza pe care la-m primit cadou pentru ca am aruncat un pix... ma rog pe catalogu profei...tot una...Asa mai umplu blogu asa ca no apoi face parte din mentalitatea mea.
A big essay!Now I can express my feelings!Within this huge monster you will find answers to all your questions, cures for diseases like cancer, ideas for a better world and burrito recipes.
One week ago I got in class in time with at least 7 minutes before the teacher. I saw my classmates and thought "Who are these guys??" A feeling of hatred took over my heart, but the voice that lives in me and teaches me what is good and what is bad told me: "Duude, what's with all the hatred?Take a break, chill out, breath deeply... They are your friends; so be patient and try to understand them". This voice comes very often and interrupts me. It's kind of annoying...Nevermind...So there i was sitting at my desk, when the teacher arrived.
The whole class stood up having their faces covered by big smiles and thinking "oh no! Another day at this bloody school! Why can't I stay at home and sleep?C'est la vie...". Everybody politely saluted (it was like Heil Caesar!or Hitler...). They neatly retook their seats. The teacher had to note the missing slaves. She naturaly demanded "something to write with". The voice in my head said that I should be the first to give her a pen. "You are the best from da West"/ Regarding to what it said(I think I'm going to call it "Stu" or better:"Stewie" in Family Guy), I rapidly unzipped my pencil-box, I chose my weapon(my best pen!) and feeling that someone else would get there before me(I'm a little clumsy at entering and exitind a desk) I calculated the possibilities. My intuition was right: I couldn't geet in time to help the teacher with my ultra-expensive hi-quality pens. The only option left was to throw it gently on her desk. In half-a-second the pen flew like a dragonfly with now wings and landed safely on the desk. My mission was accomplished. "Mais, la vie comme a la guerre"
No superior is okay with his subordinate's doings. My action was taken as a barbaric terrorist attack, despite the fact that it's a very practical and energy saving. It's outrageous! But I am not the one who makes the law. I'm just a worker with no mouth to speak. So I got to write an essay. But before that I was cruely scolded in front of my comrades. Shame was all over me. I couldn't open my eyes to look either at my teacher, or at my friends. If the lesson hadn't started I would have died covered in my own disgrace. But I didn't.
Unfotunately, this wasn't over. A teenager ha his major daily problems: his hairdo, his clothes("I can't find my blue T-shirt! Mum, what did you do with it?!"."It's at washin', honey.";"Noooo!Fuck it mum!", " Whatch your language young man!","whatever..."), his friends; to sum up, the way he looks in front of his friends and in front of other human beings, mentally and physically. With all of this around, adding the stress with homework and the fact that the next day we had a debate(so we had no homework at this English class) I totally forgot about the essay. Sadly, the amount of words was dubled. My life was ruined. I couldn't think about something else except to write my will. I would have left my toys to an orphanage, my dog to Dad, my cactus to Mum; and I would have also sent a pen and an essay to my teacher.
I was holding a knife,no! 2 knives, one in each of my hands. With one I aimed my heart while the other was aimed at my stomach. Then I happily found out that the essay was for the next week. Yupeeeee! I had plenty of time to write it.
This is my story, a tale of a boy and his "Uber Essay" that appeared from nowhere, like rain in a sunny day.

miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2008

Sange rece in sport...

Va prezint o idee ce ma lovit cand jucam tenis...m-am gandit ca tensiul este si un joc al mintii(jucatorii sunt influentati de cum joaca ei, si chiar de cum joaca celalalt) este foarte important ca atunci cand faci asa ceva (un sport) sa ai mult sange de alta, dar daca nu ai te incurci si nu te mai concetrezi si o dai in bara...
In primul rand, daca eziti o actiune ea nu va avea randament maxim(deobicei va avea 0% randament); asa ca din cauza fricii sau a timiditatii nu poti excela in vreun sport(doar in sah si in alte cateva care nu prezinta un risc vizibil; desi daca esti prins intr-un meci e sah tie frica sa nu-ti ia tura, tu o el iti da sah mat)...defapt ne e frica sa nu gresim si sa ne ranim, ori sa- i dezamagim pe ceilalti (in sporturile de echipa) asa nu mai executam bine chestia, neconcentrandu-ne pe auzit o vorba ca cica daca eziti inainte de ceva mai bine nu il faci(ma rog era la skate).
Pe un al doilea plan, daca iti iese ceva foarte bine ti se urca la cap si cuprins de mandrie te incurci iar, e drept mai putin ca in primul caz, dar te incurci. Cand se intampla asta scade concentrarea si poc...pierzi
Mai apoi mai este si indoirea de sine...daca nu ai incredere in mai ales daca celalat pare mai bun...parca nu ai curaj sa joci...din aceasta cauza, un as dat cu putere in tenis sau un slam dunk cu brutalitate in basket ii demoralizeaza pe adversari.
Ce ajuta jocul?poate chiar si ura care pe moment iti da un tonic, dar folosita prea mult are aceleasi efecte ca mandria...deci principalul este sangele acesta poti juca la adevarata ta valoare pentru ca nu esti influentat de jocurile mentale ale adversarului si de indoilile tale.
Desigur nu am vorbit de cat de bun esti...asta se dobandeste cu antrenament si perseverentza... deah...

marți, 29 ianuarie 2008

Cititzi comment-urile!

Am observat ca multe dintre commenturile pe care le primesc la articole sunt foarte adevarate... articolele mele nu sunt stralucitoare, desi sunt scrise din inima :D; pe cand commenturile sunt geniale... deci daca nu intrati pe blog pentru ce am scris eu, intrati pentru commenturi...dar totusi aveti obligatia sa cititi macar o data ce articolul, nu de alta, da macar sa stiti despre ce e vorba. Si sper sa ma tin de cuvant si sa ascult tot ce zic commentatorii mei...Heil Sparta!...asta e o rugaminte si pentru viitor...

luni, 28 ianuarie 2008

Ce sunt eu...?

Ce sunt eu? Cine sunt? un copil care crescut de mic in desene animate n-am facut altceva decat sa copiez pe altii...tot omul face asa...copiaza pe altii...abia apoi poate dezvolta un stil al lui, bazat desigur pe ce stie dinainte.
Traind mai mereu in desene animate(pana pe la 15 ani) am deprins o glumele cu idioti sunt cele mai bune...asa ca sunt ferm convins ca asa e... incep sa ma indoiesc atunci cand unii nici nu rad sau poate chiar stramba din nas...
Reiau spunand ca toti copiem ce ni se pare cool...ajungem asa sa fim o ciorba de idei si moduri de comportament mai mult sau mai putin comestibila...dar totusi nu spun ca nu exista lucruri originale... ele apar accidental sau dupa multa truda atunci cand ai terminat de "copiat".
Sk8-ul, parkour-ul, streetball-ul, freza, sunt toate indragite de mine din simplul fapt ca mi se par ca cei ce le fac sunt fapt si blogul l-am facut ca sa fiu cool...sau mai degraba ca sa fiu bagat in seama de cei cool...
S-ar putea sa mint...poate nu sunt o copie...

duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008

Ciudatenia e relativa...

Multi copii sunt considerati ciudati, "Freaks" din simplul fapt ca nu sunt ca ceilalti... o simpla remarca stupida te poate infunda in negura pesterii celor uncool... dar totusi o singura remarca nu te duce acolo... ele vin in lantz ca un tren ce iese din tunel si se dezvaluie treptat privirii celorlalti. In fapt si ceilalti contribuie la asta... ei fiind mai multi isi iau titlu de "cool kid" si acapareaza domeniul... asa ca ce consideri tu tare nu este... ori te adaptezi si poate vei ajunge barosan, ori ramai la conceptiile tale si risti sa nu ai prieteni sau chiar sa te inchizi in tine...inchis in tine nu faci parte din societate.
Locul "ciudatilor" este in singuratate... sau printre alti ciudati... si acolo vor ramane daca nu au curajul sa treaca peste complexe si sa treaca ei la conducere cu ideile lor... dar asta e ca cei ce ajung ciudati sunt timizi, lashi sau cam asa ceva... daca nu inteleg relativitatea acestui domeniu, se vor complexa mai mult si vor ajunge sa se creada ei insusi ciudati.
Asa imi incep blogul... cu rezerva de a fi ciudat si de a va oferi poate niste articole ce nu sunt din lumea voastra... dar aspir la lumea voastra deci nu veti avea ceva gen "Povestea castravetilor revolutionari"...sau poate veti avea...